
EAEE Newsletter

 Latest Issue

Keep informed about the activities of EAEE and about earthquake engineering related developments mainly in Europe but also from abroad.

 Past Newsletters

The EAEE Newsletter was initiated by the Central Office and the first issue was published  in the beginning of 2005.  We hope to publish twice a year to inform you about the activities of EAEE and about earthquake engineering related developments mainly in Europe but also from abroad.  

 We would like to number these newsletters as the continuation of the Bulletin of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering that was published until 2002 up to Volume 22.  Thus we would like to start as Volume 23, Number 1.

You are all invited to send information about your National Associations and about all related earthquake information.
We would be happy to publish views and opinion papers that would address issues in earthquake engineering, earthquake science and mitigation policies.

Atilla Ansal, Secretary General of EAEE

Gokce Tonuk,  Editor of EAEE Newsletter

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