EC8 Webinars WG12 Members
WG12 Members
WG12 members are the following

Rita Bento
IST, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Rita Bento is a Full Professor of Structures and Structural Mechanics at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. She specialized in earthquake engineering, structural behaviour, dynamic of structures and strength of materials. Her primary research focuses on the seismic assessment and retrofit of RC and masonry structures, structural testing, and nonlinear modelling.
Currently, she Chairs Sub-commission 8 (Eurocode 8) of the Portuguese Technical Commission for Standardization of Structural Eurocodes (CT115) and is the representative of IPQ [the Portuguese standards agency] at the CEN Commission TC250/SC8.
She is a member of the Executive Board of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering (EAEE), Associated Editor of the Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering and Coordinator of the EAEE Work Group 12 (Continuing Education and Professional Development).
ORCID: 0000-0002-6503-0644
Researcher ID – Publons: A-6544-2013
Scopus Author ID: 7006799395
Google Scholar: TAQ3mE0AAAAJ
Website: fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/homepage/ist12284
linkedin: rita-bento-1998061b0

Christoph Butenweg
Aachen University, Germany
Christoph Butenweg is Professor for Technical Mechanics and Structural Engineering at the FH Aachen- University of Applied Sciences, Visiting Professor at the University of Belgrade, Visiting Lecturer at RWTH Aachen University and Business Manager and Associate of the engineering company SDA-engineering GmbH. He is member of the executive board of the Center for Wind and Earthquake Engineering (CWE) at RWTH Aachen University, which combines and guides the interdisciplinary teaching and research activities at the RWTH Aachen University in the fields of wind and earthquake engineering. He is leader of the PT 5 for the evolution of Eurocode 8, Prat 4 and 6 and member of the Executive Board of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering. He is member of the code committee NA 005-51-06, chairman of the committee task group NA 005-06-37 AA, chairman of the international conference SEDIF (Seismic design of industrial facilities) and member of the Research Advisory Board of German Committee for Masonry Construction e. V. (DAfM).

Dietlinde Köber
Technical University Bucharest, Romania
PhD, lecturer at the Technical University of Bucharest, Romania
Reinforced Concrete Department
WG 8 EAEE member
16 years experience in teaching, research and engineering praxis
Project verifier for RC, masonry and wood structures
Energetic Auditor I grade
Multiple collaborations with foreign Higher Education Facilities, especially in Germany
author and editor of national and international chapters and books.
Co-author of the Romanian Seismic Code – Part III: Seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing structures (P100-3/2018)
Main research topics: seismic design of structures, plan and elevation irregular structures, base isolation, special RC structures, high strength concrete and lightweight concrete, earth walls with wooden bracings
Languages: Romanian, German, English, French, Italian, Spanish
ORCID: 0000-0001-6608-1470
Researchgate: researchgate.net/profile/Dietlinde_Koeber

Gabriele Milani
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Gabriele Milani is a Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. His research focuses on masonry modelling and safety assessment of historic masonry in seismic area. He works on FEM limit analysis, rubber vulcanization and seismic isolation. He has been awarded with a Telford Premium (2012) by ICE, a Bathe Award (2014) and a most cited author diploma for a paper in Computers and Structures (2006). He has co-authored more than 250 ISI papers and edited two books on masonry. He is Editor-in-Charge of a journal specialized on masonry (International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation) and of a journal generalist for civil engineering. He is in the Editorial Board of many high-reputation journals, such as Engineering Structures, Computers & Structures, Engineering Failure Analysis. He has supervised 15 PhD Students.
ORCID: 0000-0001-5462-3420
Researcher ID – Publons: Q-5053-2016
Scopus Author: 9741778200
Google Scholar: 6RG6EVkAAAAJ&hl=it
Website: dabc.polimi.it/en/persona/gabriele-milani/

Jean-François Semblat
ENSTA ParisTech, France
Jean-François Semblat is Professor at ENSTA-Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP-Paris). He is head of the Department of Mechanics and Energetics of IP-Paris and coordinator of the master program in Mechanics. His field of research ranges from seismic wave propagation in complex media to dynamic soil-structure interaction and site-city interaction through various modelling approaches (FEM, BEM, macroelements, homogenization).
He is member of the editorial board of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering and International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE). He is also member of the Technical Committee 203 of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and is the former vice-President of the French Society for Earthquake Engineering (AFPS). He has been involved in a number of research projects at the national and international level (Isolate, Modulate, VibEn, ERC CoQuake, SINAPS@, Series, EuroSeisRisk).
He has been the advisor of 25 PhD theses in the field of soil dynamics, engineering seismology, dynamic soil-structure interaction and structural dynamics. He co-authored 200 scientific publications including a book on Waves and Vibrations in Soils at IUSS Press with Prof. Alain Pecker. He also co-authored two MOOCs on the Coursera platform: From Seismology to Earthquake Engineering (2021) and Fundamentals of Waves and Vibrations (2019).
ORCID: 0000-0002-8471-198X
Scopus Author: 6701797288
Google Scholar: q_sM8ywAAAAJ
LinkedIn: jean-francois-semblat-09b36523

Luca Pelà
UPC-BarcelonaTech, Spain
Luca Pelà is Associate Professor at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC-BarcelonaTech), Spain. He was Vice-rector for Science Policy of UPC (2019-2021), and deputy head of the Department of Construction Engineering (2014-2015). His research activity focuses on the seismic analysis of masonry structures and conservation of heritage buildings through a multidisciplinary perspective, including advanced computational modelling, in-situ and laboratory experimental tests, structural health monitoring, and new solutions for repair and retrofit. He has participated to more than 40 RTD projects up to 2021, including competitive projects funded at national and European levels, contracts with private companies and public institutions, and studies of unique heritage structures (including 3 UNESCO sites in Catalonia). He is currently the scientific coordinator of 3 research projects at UPC (SEVERUS, MANTRED, and LATEM4.0, with total worth 1.4 M€). He has published more than 100 papers in journals and conference proceedings, and supervised 11 PhD Theses.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7760-8290
Researcher ID – Publons: H-9938-2012
Scopus Author ID: 26325055100
Google Scholar: mJZrvJgAAAAJ
Website: https://futur.upc.edu/LucaPela

Ricardo Monteiro
University IUSS Pavia, Italy
Ricardo Monteiro is Associate Professor at the University School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, where he is also the Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Understanding and Managing Extremes (UME) (formerly ROSE School) and served as the Coordinator of the Italian (ROSE) and Deputy Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus (MEEES) MSc programmes in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, which were active until 2019. He is also Senior Advisor for the European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE) in Italy and affiliated external researcher at the University of Porto, Portugal. He has been involved in a number of European Research Projects, such as LESSLOSS, SYNERG-G, NERA, SASPARM, mostly dedicated to the seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of bridges and buildings. Recently he has coordinated European-funded research projects on seismic risk in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East (ITERATE, 2017 and INFRA-NAT, 2018) and in Italy in the fields of integrated energy and seismic retrofitting of existing buildings and bridges, through the projects with ReLUIS (2019-2021) and PRIN (2022-onwards). He has been the advisor of around 50 MSc and 11 PhD theses in the field of extreme events and co-authored over 160 scientific publications. He has teaching experience in Italy, South Africa and Portugal, where he qualified in Civil Engineering at the University of Porto. He then completed his PhD specializing in Earthquake Engineering, with a thesis on Probabilistic Seismic Assessment of RC Bridges.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2505-2996
Researcher ID – Publons: H-1936-2018
Scopus Author ID: 55950047100
Google Scholar: xzlAqtYAAAAJ
LinkedIn: ricardo-monteiro-09306a58